
Seismological Data

Earthquake Catalogue (550 B.C. – 2010)

This catalog includes information on the basic source parameters (origin time, epicenter, focal depth, magnitude) of known earthquakes with magnitude greater than 4.5 for the period from 550 B.C. until the end of 2010, which occurred within the area 33.0oN – 43.0oN, 18.0oE – 30.0oE. The catalog is homogeneous with respect to the earthquake magnitude, i.e. all magnitudes are seismic moment magnitudes (either directly computed or appropriately converted from other magnitude scales). all data are complete for the following periods and magnitudes Μ>6.5 since 1901, Μ>5.2 since 1911, Μ>4.8 since 1950 and Μ>4.5 since 1964.


  • Papazachos, B.C., Comninakis, P.E., Karakaisis, G.F., Karakostas, B.G., Papaioannou, Ch.A., Papazachos, C.B. and E.M. Scordilis. A catalogue of earthquakes in Greece and surrounding area for the period 550BC-1999, Publ. Geoph. Lab., Univ. of Thessaloniki, 1, 333pp, 2000.
  • Papazachos, B.C., Comninakis, P.E., Scordilis, E.M., Karakaisis, G.F. and C.B. Papazachos (2010). A catalogue of earthquakes in the Mediterranean and surrounding area for the period 1901 – 2010, Publ. Geophys. Laboratory, University of Thessaloniki.

Earthquake Catalogue (1995 – 02_2021)

This catalog includes information on the basic source parameters (origin time, epicenter, focal depth, magnitude) of earthquakes recorded by the seismological network of A.U.Th. for the broader area of Greece. These earthquakes are published in the official bulletins of Department of Gephysics A.U.Th.

Preliminary Earthquake Catalogue (03_2021 – today)

This catalog contains details about earthquakes for the above time period, but has not been reviewed yet.

* All catalogs are dynamic, i.e. new data are being added and reviewed. Some alterations may take place, if necessary..

For further information you can visit the website of the Seismological Station of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Meteorological and Climatological Data

Air Temperature (1951 – 2003)

The catalogue provides with air temperature data per hour, day, month recorded by the Network of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology of the School of Geology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Time interval: January 1, 1951 – December 31, 2003.

Rainfall (1947 – 2003)

The catalogue provides with rainfall data per hour, day, month recorded by the Network of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology of the School of Geology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Time interval: January 1, 1947 – December 31, 2003.

Realtive Humidity (1951 – 2003)

The catalogue provides with relative humidity data per hour, day, month recorded by the Network of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology of the School of Geology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Time interval: January 1, 1951 – December 31, 2003.

For further information you can visit the website of the Department of Meteorology and Climatologyof the School of Geology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

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