Programme Profile

Undergraduate course program at a glance

Upon finishing their studies, students are awarded the B.Sc. in Geology after they have completed at least 240 ECTS credits from the available courses. One hundred and ninety (190) ECTS are credited from the compulsory courses, while the remaining 50 ECTS credits correspond to optional courses. Most single-Day Field Trips are compulsory courses and each student must complete field trips corresponding to at least 8 ECTS credits. The course “Field Mapping” (6th Semester, 4 ECTS credits) is compulsory for all students. The Program of Study contains the following Degree Schemes (orientation topics):

The Program of Study contains the following Degree Schemes (orientation topics):

  • Structural Geology and Stratigraphy
  • Applied Geology
  • Mineralogy-Petrology
  • Economic Geology
  • Geophysics
  • Meteorology and Climatology
  • Environmental Geography

Students must select one of these schemes. For each scheme there is a list of relative optional courses. Students must complete a number of these courses corresponding to at least 35 ECTS. In addition, they can attend and complete courses belonging to other schemes. Several optional courses are common in more than one schemes. In this manner, students have wider option of choice. Moreover, they can change their scheme, if they wish, more easily.

Each course is assigned a code, consisting of 3 or 4 letters and 3 numbers. All 4-letter courses start with N, indicating the courses of the new (introduced in 2021-2022) undergraduate program. The next letter (G) indicates the School of Geology. The final two letters indicate the Department which provided the course. The first number indicates the semester and the remaining numbers correspond to the “serial number” of the course. The letters GGN indicate courses which are taught by the Faculty Members of other Schools or, which are taught by colleagues of different Departments of the School of Geology. Finally, each code is accompanied by the letter (Y) for compulsory or the letter (E) for optional courses, respectively.

Course Registration

Students are required to fill in and submit the online registration form to the School’s Secretariat, within a specific date at the beginning of each semester through the web page In this form students have to include the courses that they would like to attend, for which they will also be allowed to participate in the examination process. Each student should take courses that correspond to 30 ECTS in each semester.

The final course assessment is generally based on formal written examinations at the end of each semester. The method of assessment by mid-term exams and term papers is used in a number of courses; also, the combination of the two methods is not unusual.

The maximum number of courses that each student can register each semester is fourteen (14).

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

The academic unit ECTS is a numerical value (between 1 and 60) applied to each course in order to describe the work-load required from each student to complete it. The ECTS units reflect the work quantity (measured in hours) necessary for each course in relation to the total work quantity for the fulfilment of a whole academic year (i.e. course attendance, laboratories, exercises, examinations, work for undergraduate thesis, etc.). For a successful completion of the School of Geology B.Sc. degree, a student must accumulate a minimum of 240 ECTS within a period of eight semesters, at the indicative rate of 30 ECTS credits per semester. The grading equivalence between the European and the Greek system is presented below:

European SystemPerformanceGreek System
AEXCELLENTOutstanding performance with minor errors9 – 10
BVERY GOODAbove the average, with some errors8
CGOODGenerally good performance with notable errors7
DSATISFACTORYFair but with significant shortcomings6
ESUFFICIENTPerformance meets the minimum criteria5
FXFAILAdditional work is required< 5
FFAILMuch more additional work is required< 5
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